Saturday, April 19, 2008

Grape Hyacinth

Growing Grape Hyacinth


Who would have thought it
possible that a tiny little flower could preoccupy a person
so completely that there simply wasn't room for any other
thought....Sophie Scholl

Hyacinth, otherwise known as Muscari, are actually not Hyacinths at all. 
They are members of the Lily family, and are native to the Mediterranean area
and Asia Minor.   They are small plants, usually not much more than 10
inches tall, and produce blue or purple petals that are fused together and have
small white tips, giving them a balloon-like or, well.....grape like appearance,
and they have sort of a musky-grassy smell.  One grape
hyacinth plant doesn't look like much, but in a mass planting, these small bulbs
can be a total knockout.  

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